====== This Week.. ====== There is no podcast this week... OH NO, but don't worry for it will be back next week. Here's a little update. ===== What's going on? ===== This week has been a busy one for both of us. I ([[user:scott_heron|Scott]]) have been at an annual conference from Tuesday to Wednesday, which has yielded some cool PhD related goings on, but that is getting off topic. The reason we have no podcast this week, or script progress, is because [[user:john_urquhart_ferguson|John]] has had to meet an important deadline for his 1st year PhD report, which is due this Monday (10th) I believe and so we have not been able to meet up this weekend. The podcast will be back next weekend where we should hopefully have some theme music, if John has managed to get it recorded of course. I am ordering certain books for myself which John already has that we will give you a list of, which should be helpful for this type of project. I will also be having a look at the script so there should be more progress. Speak to you next week, and feel free to e-mail at any point if you have questions. [[user:scott_heron|Scott]] and [[user:john_urquhart_ferguson|John]]. [[http://feeds.feedburner.com/fictionality|{{videos:feeds_16x16.png|RSS Feed}}]] [[http://feeds.feedburner.com/fictionality|Keep up to date by subscribing to Fictionality]] ===== Spread The News ===== $fulluri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $namearray = split("=", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $pagename = $namearray[(count($namearray) - 1)]; echo 'digg it digg it :: del.icio.us del.icio.us :: technorati technorati :: reddit reddit :: StumbleUpon StumbleUpon
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