Table of Contents
Script Complete !
What more do I need to say !
What now?
Now that the script is done we will explain the rest of the story in the next podcast. We are unable to produce one this week again because John has been taken away by aliens… I MEAN he's been roped into decorating.
We will be back next week with a DOUBLE BILL of podcast episodes! You will find out why next Sunday evening when they get put up.
Next we will move on to making the story board which with the extra time we have over Christmas we are hopeful to get finished pretty quick. The official finish date we set is the 7th of January. Then we will move onto production planning and scoring with the acting classes starting on the 22nd of January.
I will see about putting the production plan up on the web site to make it clearer what our goals are/were and how close we came to meeting them. I think it would be useful to show you guys how easy it is to over run and how much a production plan can change. Especially when its long term.
Tutorials and Webisodes
The first tutorial is now due to be written which will cover the script writing process using Celtx. This tutorial will be useful for those that are not sure how to set out a script and want a quick intro to some decent software.
There will be an accompanying webisode that we are still figuring out the format for (we will probably do something cool with the green screen). We are also working on producing a logo in Blender as part of a brief video intro that we will play in front of all our webisodes.
More next weekend! its going to be a good one.
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