Table of Contents
We're Back!
Hey guys, we aren't dead!
NEW Podcast
We are back for 2008 after a busy period with Uni for both John and myself that caused us a big time delay. The next podcast episode (fourteen) is available for download. We have to appologise again for episode thirteen (the temporary version that was recorded in 2007 and that we plan/ed to record over in 2009 in case your reading this from 2009.. i hate temporal problems.. oh no i've gone all cross eyed), it was very random, although fun to record (if it's 2009…. you missed out).
So, happy Easter everyone, hope the chocolate eggs don't make everyone too sick (i've already eaten like 6.. yeah.. mmmm).
This year we are looking forward to delivering many wonderful tutorials, more webisodes and we start acting classes.. oh how we need them.
There will also be blendering (i just made that word up), music scoring and sound effect recordings,
Stay tuned (and other such cheese filled phrases) for the latest info and guides.
Have a good one!
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